The Science of Social Media Content

What constitutes a well-rounded social media marketing plan? The ideal mix of social media content blends four different elements – general content, customized content, online specials, and reviews.
General content: Posts that are about topics relevant to, but not about, your business. These can be topical, inspirational quotes, related to current events, related to local happenings, or humorous photos/cartoons. Link to reputable sources of content whenever possible.
Customized content: Posts that are specifically about your business. These can be before/after photos, photos of your facilities, photos of staff at work, videos about your processes, press announcements, stories about philanthropic work, announcements of awards received or certifications earned. Posts should be a mix of stand alone posts and posts that link back to your website.
Online specials: If you are going to run special offers, be sure to announce them on social media. You can also consider having online-only specials just for that audience. Ideally, specials should run monthly, as more frequently may create confusion, and less frequently could become stale.
Reviews: While consumers may research your information to learn about your business, they also want to know about actual user experiences, which reviews provide. More than 90% of consumers say an online review is more important than input from a salesperson. Third party endorsements carry more weight and are considered more authentic than any marketing content you generate.
Considering 43% of consumers report they are more likely to buy a new product or service when learning about it on social media, isn’t it time to make sure you use your social media channels as the marketing tools they are? If you are still focused on phone books and radio ads, you risk being left behind in the digital age.
A social media marketing plan is easy to create and will increase awareness, reach and exposure by allowing you to do what local businesses do best – engage and build relationships with your existing and potential customers.
Not sure what to do? Contact us for a strategy on how to use social media to grown your business.